Thursday, August 27, 2009


Scene: Lucas standing at his train table playing with his trains. Ellen crawls up and tries to get in on the action.

Lucas: "No Ahllen, this is my work."

Ellen: continues to poke around at his stuff

Lucas: "No!" as he gently pushes her away and she falls back on her bottom.

Ellen: A look as if she is going to cry, that quickly changes to determination as she reaches out her entire hand, grabs a fist full of the skin on his leg, and pinches him with what seemed like intent to harm!

Lucas: "owwwww!"

I didn't think a 3 year old and a 10 month old could have a fight, but I guess I was wrong...

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

This happens at our house every night! Last night Tyrus left a piece of a doughnut on the coffee table and when Mary found it she started laughing and waving it in the air at Tyrus and then she put the whole thing in her mouth! Neil and I both busted out laughing and Tyrus caught on pretty quick that it was funny.