Friday, August 28, 2009

Science Museum

Since I've gone p/t and had the afternoons with Lucas, we've mostly gone pools, play dates and parks. I'd like to occasionally fill our afternoons with something educational, so yesterday we visited the Science Museum in Raleigh. It has bugs, lot's of nature exhibits, a live butterfly rain forest type room, it's in downtown Raleigh, and it's free. So we parked a few blocks away and walked through the city, which I thought was a bonus educational part of our trip, but I realized that he's a little young to appreciate it. When we first walked in, he was slightly impressed by the huge dinosaur skeletons. Next we moved into this room where the walls looked like an aquarium, but the sea creatures were not real... neither were the wild animals that were scattered all over the room. Lucas immediately asked why they weren't moving and then said he wanted to do something else, so we moved on. I pointed out a cute little deer and he said, "Does that deer move, Mommy?" When I told him that it didn't he let out a frustrated sigh, "ughhhh" and moved on. This went on for an hour. He was a little more impressed with the live bugs, but not too impressed that he couldn't touch them. Finally I got a rise out of him when we came up the escalator and he saw the cafe... "HEY! I didn't know that they had lunch here!"

We finally called it a day when I couldn't find anything better than the cafe to impress him. We'll try again when it's a little cooler (yes, I'm blaming his lack of interest in science on the heat).

1 comment:

Ele said...

Shanna - Finn loves the fish and turtles, but is also mostly unimpressed by the "stuffed" animals. The storytime/meet the animals is good, as is the Discovery room. Also the bugs, snakes, and butterfly room. Stick to those next time!