Friday, October 22, 2010

Finally, a kid that sleeps!

Jeff and I are THRILLED that we are beginning to have more of a normal sleeping routine in our home. After 4+ years of crazy sleep routines, we really need this : ) So here we go, what we're doing now...
6:30ish: Dinner
7:00/30ish: Bath/PJs
8:00ish: Start to say our good nights and read stories. Ellen and I go to her room and Lucas and Jeff go to his room. I still lay down with Ellen and let her nurse. A few weeks ago she wasn't that tired and started being silly as we were laying there in the dark. I got frustrated and told her that I had to potty and would be right back. I told her that she could play and that I'd turn the dim light on for her. Tyson was already sacked out on the pillow next to where Ellen sleeps. To my surprise after I closed the door I heard her open her shutters and yell good night to Emma, the dog next door. Then she sang some songs and played with some of her toys. I went down to finish up the dishes, thinking she'd cry for me in a few minutes. But she didn't! When she got tired she took her binky and her bunny, curled up next to Tyson, and fell asleep. Wow! That is like magic to us. Since then, she's done it each night. And she sleeps all night too... from about 8:30-7:15. Sometimes she even kicks me out by running over and pointing to the light and smiling : )
We have to go back in before we go to bed to turn out her light. It is such a pretty little sight to see her sleeping so soundly...
PS - Lucas STILL gets up each night and comes to our bed, but I know that won't last forever, so for the most part I still think it's sweet : )

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