Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween at Preschool!

Today the kids got to wear their costumes to school and will get to trick-or-treat with the other classrooms and staff. Ellen's lucky because she got to do this yesterday too! Since there are T/TH kids and M/W/F kids they had two celebrations. Yesterday she wore a costume that we made for her, but I didn't get any pictures because she wouldn't put it on for me - only the teachers. Since that costume is a little complex, today we wore Katrin's hand-me-down Ariel mermaid costume. And Lucas, the stinker, has wanted to be a mummy for months, but decided at the last minute that he wanted to wear one of his dress up Power Ranger costumes. Hopefully mommy can take the mummy costume back to the store!

1 comment:

Frances Katrin said...

Ha! Love it!