It's still a boy! We were a little anxious that they would tell us it was a girl since we've already bonded with a little boy. We have some cute pictures to post, but I've got to scan them in first. They said that everything measured the way it should and that they are showing him at 18wks and 3 days. I show 18wks and 2 days, so the date of April 9th is just about right. His h/b was at 164, which was the highest it's been, so he must have been excited for us to see him. This morning the little dude was upside down. The u/s tech said that this makes sense because his head is heavier than his feet and gravity pulls him down. I was surprised because I thought he had been kicking me, but they must have been little punches....but Mary Charles said that he's still swimming and flipping all around so it is probably kicks and punches. At the beginning of the u/s he was sitting on his little calves and feet and his arms were above his head. He put his hand by his face a lot, but we couldn't tell if he was sucking his thumb. I've gained 8 lbs total, with 4 of that being in the last month, so I think we're right on schedule. It was neat to see him again and be able to see his little profile more clearly. Although I need a massage now from keeping my head turned to the right looking at the screen for 1/2 an hour....Dad's get the best view at the ultrasounds!
(several hours later)
It's really lame, but I had to take pictures of the pictures with my digital camera. I went to Target and Wolf Camera and they were no help in getting them on a disk. The midwife gave us a disk but it was not formatted correctly, so we can't see the images. Anyway, these came out okay....
Profile Shot

Profile shot with leg and foot. The "bubbles" is the umbilical cord.
Little face looking at camera
Left leg and foot
He truly looks like the cutest baby ever!
(not biased in any way of course)
Jeff's mom,
I love the little legs and feet...they are just so cute!!!!
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