Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Tyson Blogs Again

This is Tyson Schroeder. I'm still pissed. I've gotten used to my mom and dad talking about my "little brother", and I even kind of like my mom's body pillow that takes up the whole darn bed, but on Friday something happened that was ridiculous. I really look forward to Fridays because my mom and dad usually get home from work early and we all three hang out, play, and go for walks. I was excited about this day, as usual, until the doorbell rang and in stepped our friends Holly and Adam with their new baby Katie. Nobody had informed me that my mom had volunteered to watch Katie for a few hours that night. I was willing to go with the flow, but then my mom paid no attention to me the rest of the night. All she did was try to make Katie laugh, hold Katie, and take pictures of Katie. I thought I'd get some attention by getting into Katie's carseat, but every time I stepped into it it rocked back and threw me off into the floor. I barked as loud as I could at it until my dad hid it in the closet. This is where I draw the line. Let the battle for attention begin.

I'm not good at catching smiles on film yet, so here's a good one taken by Holly

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