Thursday, January 05, 2006

Third Trimester and Coach's Tip

We are now in the third trimester. This is hard to believe, but really exciting. Baby Schrades will be here in about three months! The little guy is about 15 inches long now, from head to toe, and weighs a little more than 2lbs...according to the baby books. He moves all day long, with little naps throughout the day, then sleeps all night and wakes up when I wake up in the morning. I read somewhere that he should move at least 10 times in an active 2 hour period, so I kept track yesterday and he wiggles a little every hour.

I forgot to mention the Coach's Tip that Jeff got in our Bradley Class on Monday. She said she'll give the guys a tip every week, and this week's was that the husband should tell his wife several times during labor how great she is doing. I'm sure that will be appreciated by me and every other mommy.


Anonymous said...

I just had the best time catching up with your blog! I'm so excited for you guys and Baby Schrades. I know two other people who are due within 2 weeks of you guys. :) Wanted to comment that Ben did such a wonderful job during my labor. I was so surprised that he was so calm and kept me going. I really wasn't expecting it - ha ha! I'm sure Jeff will be awesome!

Anonymous said...

It's great to see the updates, Shanna. Glad to see that you, Jeff and the baby are all doing well. -Louie