Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Bradley Birth - Last Class (#12)

We're ready! Well, we've finished all of our birthing classes at least. Last night's class was on breastfeeding and we had a lactation consultant come to class. It was very helpful since we didn't know much about it.

Our friends, Mark and Wendy, had their little boy, Charles, on Saturday. We stopped by the hospital for a few minutes before class last night to meet him. They were so happy they were glowing, and Charles was so cute. Holding the little baby in a room similar to what we'll be staying in in a few weeks from now made it seem so real and close.

Mark and Wendy go to the same OB as us and had only great things to say about how they were treated during their labor and delivery. Mark gave Jeff some tips on what to bring to the hospital, first diaper changes, etc.

So no more baby prep classes...now we are just waiting....

1 comment:

Kelly said...

All done! Congrats, and good luck getting through the last couple of weeks. The waiting is tough, but use the time to go out to dinner, see a movie and SLEEP ;-)