Thursday, December 27, 2007

Operation Get-Lucas-To-Sleep Update

We are still in complete shock, but after the first three somewhat hard nights that I posted about earlier, Lucas figured it out. On the fourth night he still woke up twice, but when he did he called for da-da instead of mama and when Jeff went in there he just curled up next to Jeff and went back to sleep. He woke up again a few hours later and did the same thing. Jeff says that he is usually sitting up in his bed when he walks in there and when he sees Jeff he just plops back on the bed, but it's usually horizontal instead of vertical, so Jeff has to reposition him when he lays down.

The fifth night was about the same, but instead of only sleeping four hours initially, he slept five. Last night was one of his best nights ever. He slept almost 7 hours before waking up and calling for Jeff! He's gotten us excited before with a fluke, so we're trying not to count on the same performance tonight. What we have achieved, however, is that Lucas isn't nursing at night anymore (at least for 6 nights in a row). That was really keeping me awake and I think it was waking him up too... if it was right beside him he felt he had to indulge.

Jeff asked me this morning if I missed him at night and I quickly, to my surprise, said no. I felt my heart twinge a little the first time I heard him call for Jeff instead of me, but it's better for us all because we're better rested. I asked Jeff if he minded going in there and he said that he actually enjoyed it... so everyone is happy!

Sandy, thanks again... we needed a third person to get us started (and to teach Lucas to call for dada).

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