Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Winter Coat

This weather in Raleigh is crazy right now. Lucas was invited to a birthday party at the park by your house last Friday. I'm sure the mom thought that it would be a nice day,but it turned out that it was 37 degrees! I hadn't gotten Lucas a winter coat yet, so he had on like 5 layers and we spent most of the party in car with the heat on. The little boy's mom told me that she had tons of winter coats that people had given her as hand-me-downs, and later that day she dropped one off at our house. Lucas wore it that afternoon for a few hours, but the next day it was 70 degrees and has been ever since, so he hasn't worn it since then. This weekend I hear the high is going to be 45, so maybe he'll get more use out of it soon. I'm in shorts today. Hard to believe it is almost Christmas. Maybe Al is right.

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