Saturday, March 08, 2008

Silly Boy

Lucas has been so fun and silly lately. I realized yesterday that we don't really have to entertain him like we used to. He runs around the house making up his own games. They often involve us, and poor Tyson, but he initiates them. For example, last night we were sitting near the couch and Lucas invented a game where he would run all the way to the back door (his starting point) and then sprint into the family room and dive onto one of us. One of the times that he ran into the kitchen Jeff hid behind a wall and jumped out and scared him. Lucas thought it was hilarious and was disappointed the next time he sprinted into the room and wasn't scared. He marched right over to Jeff, put his hands under his legs, and said, "up! up!" and then pointed to the spot where he wanted Jeff to scare him.
He and Tyson have a love-hate relationship (mostly love). Their new game is that Lucas will get a cracker or a dog cookie and run all over the house with Tyson chasing him. He'll eventually share with Tyson, but poor Tyson has to earn it. I guess Lucas thought that when I said to share with Tyson he thought I meant all the time. During dinner I've caught Lucas giving Tyson carrots, peas and bread. Tyson's new best friend... until Lucas plays his other annoying game of laying on Tyson when he's asleep in his bed and pushing him out of chairs as he shouts, "down!"
Here is silly boy the other night posing for pictures... he was hamming it up. Oh, and by the way, we got his hair cut on Sunday and I haven't gotten around to posting those pictures. After seeing these pictures, however, we're kind of bummed because his hair was so wild and cute. Oh well, we just got a tiny trim and it will grow back.


Meg Boyd said...

Lucas is so funny! What a little cutie that he teases Tyson. Lucas looks like such a little boy now.

Jennifer said...

I love that smile! The big mouth of his is so cute and just fits him.