Friday, May 23, 2008

The "H" Hunter

At Lucas's school they have a letter of the week that they practice for two weeks at a time before moving to the next letter. In Montessori school, instead of learning ABC's the traditional way, they learn the sounds first. The first week Lucas was there they were learning the "H" sound, the second week the short "I" sound (igloo), and now they are on "J". The second two letters are a little jealous because Lucas really prefers "huh" over "ihh" and "juh". He always has an eye out for an "H". He spots them on boxes at the grocery store, on t.v. ads, on posters in our house, on billboards, side of cars... everywhere. He always points and says, "huh! huh!" with an excited little voice.. proud that he found another one. The idea is that one day he'll see a word, like "hit" and sound out the letters, "huh-ihhh-tttt".

Each Friday they have Show and Tell and Lucas is allowed to bring in two items that begin with the letter of the week. I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall during Show and Tell! On Thursday night we work together as a family to pick out his two objects and then we practice saying them to make sure that he understands. Last night we picked out a jar and a jump rope. This morning Lucas was saying "juh, juh, jarrrrr" as we ate breakfast. It's great family time for us and Lucas seems to enjoy the challenge.

1 comment:

Frances Katrin said...

I'd love to witness show and tell on a Friday morning too! Katrin is SO excited about what she brings to show everyone. I stayed long enough to observe one Friday. Katrin took her turn to go to her cubby to bring out her two objects. As she ran back to the group she blurted out what it was over and over.