Saturday, May 03, 2008

Thanks Lucas!

Lucas slept from 8:15 last night to 6:15 this morning without waking up! I'd have to read back through the blog to be able to tell you when he did that last. Before we all got the flu, or whatever it was, we were in a good routine where he'd wake up once a night and Jeff would go help him go back to sleep. He hadn't nursed at night since Christmas. When Jeff got sick for those few days I had to take over and tend to Lucas at night. It's impossible to go to him at night without him nursing, so we started that back again. He started school a couple of days later and I didn't want to mess with his sleep during that transition, so I kept going to him when he woke up. Sometime in there he realized how much he likes to see mama at night and started getting up twice - about 1:00am and 4:30am. The problem with that is that I get up at 6:00am for work and he tosses and turns for about 30 min, so by that time I'm awake and end up not being able to go back to sleep. Anyway, yesterday he only took a short nap at school so he took about an hour nap from 5:30-6:30 in the evening. We were surprised, but he asked to go night-night at 8:00 and was asleep by 8:15. Jeff and I went to bed around 10:00 because I was expecting to have to get up a few hours later. At 5:30 this morning I was lying there thinking of how cozy I was and was wondering what time it was... figuring it was about 12:30 or 1:00. When I opened my eyes and saw that 5:30 I realized why I felt so cozy and relaxed... I had just gotten nearly 8 hours of sleep in a row! The kid woke up about 45 min later and we've had a great day so far. I'm SURE he won't do that again anytime soon, but it was a nice treat.

So why don't we go back to having Jeff comfort him at night? I don't want him to. Even though I'm pregnant and probably should be sleeping better, I like getting up with Lucas at night since he's started school. He's always been very attached to me and has always needed to nurse a lot, so I figure that extra time at night with me can't be a bad thing. And I have to say that he has woken up in the best mood every single day, so that is just reassuring me that we're doing the right thing. Another reason why I don't want to give up our night cuddles is that I've heard that a lot of babies stop nursing during the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy. If Lucas follows those stats then we only have a few more months of this special bonding time and I want to cherish every second...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can Lucas come spend the night at our house one night so he can teach Charles how to do that!?! I'm jealous. :)