Monday, February 13, 2006

Baby Shower

This weekend my sister and Heather hosted a baby shower in Atlanta. I'm a little overwhelmed with "warm fuzzies" that Baby Schrades, Jeff and I are so loved. Jennifer is 5 months pregnant and Heather has two young kids, so for them to even throw the shower means so much to us. Everyone that came to the shower had either a really long drive or kids at home (including dogs), but busy weekends either way, so we really appreciate them spending a few hours to celebrate the upcoming arrival of our little guy.

Some of the things that Baby Schrades got from our friends and family was a Georgia Tech Mobile, Georgia Tech outfits, thermometers, bottles, handmade blankets, toys, wash rags, a sleeper/bassinet for our room, diapers, lotion/shampoo, mattress, and tons and tons of clothes. We're very lucky because, in addition to the cute new outfits, we have family on both sides that have little boys and are happy to pass down their clothes. Baby Schrades may now have all of the clothes he needs for the first year!

Again, thank you very much to everyone who was involved in the shower - especially Jennifer and Heather.

Friends and Family
Jennifer and my mom
Heather and little Emma

Wesley and Angela
Jenn and me - Belly comparison (23wks and 32wks)
Monday weigh in: Gained 1 lb since last week for a total of 23 total. On track for 31 lbs.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Shanna~ Be sure to upload your pictures to Snapfish or somewhere so I can get copies!!