Monday, February 20, 2006

Weekend of Baby

This weekend was devoted to the baby. It was perfect because Jeff got some golf in on the beautiful Friday that we had, and we ran errands on Saturday and Sunday when it was "wintry mix" snowing all day (who wants to run errands when it's gorgeous and sunny?).

Saturday morning started at 9am sharp with a Newborn Basics class at the hospital. We spent most of the time learning how to sponge bathe a newborn, which is apparently a lot more time consuming than we imagined. We only had one "baby", so we elected Jeff to be the one to go through the motions. We were both tired after class, and the baby didn't move or make a peep the whole 2 hours. Other things that we covered were how to change the diaper, take temperature, and how to swaddle. Overall it was a good use of a couple of hours.

After that we went to Babies R Us, since it was close to where we took the class, and we had a few big items to pick up. Again, kind of a mad house, so we were glad to be in and out of there.

Finally, after a little nap, we (Jeff) got serious about painting. He finished on Sunday and we are both very happy with the way it turned out. It feels good to have that finished. Now we just have to put together all of the furniture that we have laying around in boxes. It's fun to make progress and have the room get closer to being ready for Baby Schrades.

(Monday Weight: Up 1 lb from last Monday for a total of 24).

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