Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Lucas is SUCH a boy! I would have been embarrassed to write about this before Lucas, but I guess all modesty goes out the window when you have kids. At least I know the guys that read this blog, and Brittain, will get a kick out of this.

When Lucas passes gas it is audible. He didn't notice for the first year, but lately when he does it he grins at us. We grin back and say, "Lucas pooted!". He likes the reaction and tries to do it again, often successfully, which results in more giggles and grins. If he's having trouble he squats down and holds his breath.

I guess this is just the beginning of toilet humor at our house.


Brittain... said...

I can't believe my claim to fame is laughing at gas! But I admit we all think "pooting" funny around here! I want the kids to grow up knowing how to laugh at themselves!

Jennifer said...

Ty does this and we make him laugh by calling him "Pooter Pooterson". This cracks him up!