Monday, July 09, 2007

When I cook dinner Lucas becomes a velcro baby, demanding to be held. I've been sitting him on the countertops (I know, be careful) and letting him help me prepare dinner. We had a salad this night. I would tear the leaves off of the bunch and let him put them into the spinner. When we put the top on the spinner he started banging on the top - what it must look like I'm doing when I'm pushing it to make it spin. Then he helped to put the lettuce in the bowls and set the table. It takes much longer this way, but I figure if he's going to be sitting on my hip that he might as well help!


Jennifer said...

I love the pictures, but I want to see more of the new house! Get busy! j/k
love Jenn

Meg Boyd said...

I love the new house!!!! Congrats.

Brittain... said...

I am so glad you got all moved in! Mine still like to be held while I am trying to cook!