Friday, April 11, 2008

Meet Baby Schrades!

We had our 1st trimester screening ultrasound this week and got to see our tiny baby for the second time. The first time was at about 8wks and it didn't resemble a baby at all... this time we got to see it's cute little profile, wiggly arms and legs, and cute little belly. We were hoping to find out the gender, but the technician said that it was too early and she didn't really even try that hard to tell. She did move the camera over the baby's bottom half and said that she didn't see "anything", but that that didn't mean that it was a girl. Our next and last ultrasound is on May 6th, so we'll get another shot then. Jeff definitely thinks it's a boy - he even said the picture below looks like a boy. I think I'm leaning towards thinking it's a girl because 1) the u/s technician didn't see anything the other day and Lucas was just one week farther along when we found out he was a boy 2) I've felt sicker this 1st trimester than with Lucas 3) I swear my hips got too wide for my jeans when I was only 6 wks pregnant!

The gender stuff is fun, but the important thing is that so far this baby looks healthy. I am more concerned with the health of this baby than I was with Lucas because I don't feel like I was as strong when I got pregnant this time. I'm sure every mom of a toddler that gets pregnant feels this way, so I'm sure it's fine. Also, I had a fever for 5 days in a row last week, which makes me nervous. The doctor said that the baby is well protected, but I had to take some OTC drugs and I'm kind of freaking out about it. It was either that or keep having a fever and feeling nauseous and not eating (I lost 5lbs while sick), so I opted for the drugs. Again, I'm sure I'm not the first, but I feel bad because I didn't stray at all from the guidelines when I was pregnant with Lucas.

Anyway, meet our tiny Baby Schrades...


Jennifer said...

Oh my gosh! It does look like a baby boy! Maybe Jeff is right.
Glad to have you back

Anonymous said...

Hooray baby!!! Can't wait for Finn to have another next-door-neighbor friend!