Friday, April 25, 2008

Lucas in the Morning

We're getting into a great morning routine. Lucas is waking up at about the same time each day and after sleepily nursing and cuddling on the couch for about 10 min is in a great mood. It's a lot of fun to pick out his outfits each morning. This morning I put some brown sandals on him and he said "red, red" and ran out of the room to get his red Keds instead. Then he ran back in the room and said, "Mama, school. Bye Dada!" It was only 7:30 so we had to play with Mr. Potato Head for a few minutes to kill some time. When Jeff told him it was time to go he said, "tatohead, up" and put all of the parts away and then the potato back on the shelf where he got it. Then he said, "Dada, up" and pushed Jeff out of his chair so that he could push it in. Sweet little guy...


Frances Katrin said...

Yeah! Putting work away at home too!

Jennifer said...

Ty's big brother shirt is way too small now. I'm glad atleast Lucas can still wear his.