Tuesday, April 15, 2008

2nd Day of School

I was totally expecting Lucas's 2nd day of school to be harder than the first, but it was super! Lucas woke up in a great mood and we were talking about school and his new friends as we got ready. On the way to school we talked about it some more and when we pulled up he pointed to the playground and said, "wow!"
When we walked in Harrison was standing there and Lucas said, "arrison!" We then sat down by his cubby hole to take off his red keds and put on his slippers (robeez with a giraffe on them). As he walked into the room with all of the toys (work) his teacher, Mr. Len, greeted him. Lucas pointed to a toy and said, "dis, dis" as he looked at Mr. Len. Mr. Len told him that he could work with that and to use two hands as he got it off of the shelf. I walked away to sign him in and then I caught his attention and told him bye and that I was going to work. He looked at me and then back at Mr. Len and said, "bunny? bunny?" How great! His teacher has been great about updating me on him this week. Here is the note that she sent me yesterday around 1:15:

"He had a great morning. He was choosing his own work, taking it to the rug, doing the work, putting it away. It was neat to see on his 2nd day. He did lots of different works in both rooms.
Outside he was more active, using balls, climbing on the structure, going in the houses, etc.
He seems to be comfortable here. I got a few pics of him working and outside today, so I will send them to you as soon as I download them on the computer. Hope your day is well and see you this afternoon."
Note: Montessori schools call all activities "work", so when she says that he was choosing his own work she means that he was selecting a puzzle or something like that to play with.
I quickly snapped this picture of Lucas in front of his cubby hole. I love his expression - his eyes were shining with excitement about being at school!

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