Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Too Smart for His Own Good

Our new routine for bedtime since Lucas has started school is to go into his room right around 8pm. All four of us go in there - Lucas, Dada, Tyson and me - and close the door behind us. We read a few books and then Lucas remembers that there is more to do outside of his room, so he goes to the door and hangs on the door knob as he whines. We tell him that everyone is going night-night and he needs to too. He looks at us with wide eyes and says in a whisper, "Len? Miss Na? Mack? Nicholai? etc.. (all of the people in his class). After we go through that for a few minutes and think we're going to make progress he says, "eat? eat?".. we tell him that he's already had dinner and it's time to rest. Most of the time he'll then go get a book, climb up in the rocker and then say "bye Dada." The other night, however, he wanted especially bad to get out of the room. He dumped all of his stuffed animals out of their basket and then threw them across the room as he looked at me. When I didn't respond the way he wanted he took a heavier toy and threw onto the floor so it made a loud thud. I responded with, "Lucas, no sir. You are about to get a time out." Lucas responded with running to the door and saying in a happy voice, "time out? time out?"

The little stinker misbehaved so that he could get a time out... his ploy to get out of the room!

1 comment:

Meg Boyd said...

That is too funny. He knows what he wants and knows how to get it! Go Lucas!