Thursday, April 17, 2008

Last night and this morning... Day 4

I promise I won't post about Lucas's morning every day until he moves out, but I think I'll at least capture the first week.

The night before last Lucas slept in his own bed from 9:30pm - 6:30am. Jeff and I welcomed the break of getting up once in the night, but we knew not to count on it. Last night Lucas was exhausted by 8:30. We went into his room to read (which usually lasts FOREVER), but his eyes were closed before I even started reading. He woke up around 3am and I practically jumped out of bed to go see him... I couldn't wait to get my hands on him : ) Jeff had been getting up with him, but I want to make sure he nurses during the night during this transition period... and then we'll work on that again if we need to. I have more energy because our days are not as stressful and he's not nursing so many times during the day, so getting up at night may not be that hard anymore.

Lucas was in a good mood this morning as we talked about school. He usually acts like a silly clown when it's time to get dressed... running from us and hiding behind things so that we chase him. Today, however, he saw these new army pants that I had gotten for him and said, "ewwww! Nicholai!" as he ran towards me and laid down on the floor so I could change his clothes. Haha. Nicholai is this apparently cool 4 year old in Lucas's class and he wore the same type of pants on Monday : ) I think it's so cute that at 2 years old they notice things like that.

When we pulled up to school today he got a look on his face like he was about to cry and said, "done, done" as he waved his hands (the sign for done). I told him that it was okay and that he was going to have fun in school. He then said, "milk porch, milk porch", telling me that he wanted to nurse on the porch. I told him that was a good idea and we made our way to the tiny bench on the front porch. As he was nursing I was talking to him about how mama was going to work and Lucas was going to school. He was going to see the bunny, do some work, play with his friends, etc. I asked him if he wanted to go see the bunny and he said "no" and kept nursing. We kept talking and a few min later I asked him about the bunny again and he jumped down and ran to the door. When we got inside he changed his mind and started saying, "boobie, boobie" as he tried to walk outside again. I told him that we needed to put on his giraffe shoes and tried to distract him by talking about things we saw in the classroom. As we stood up the teacher came to get Lucas. I handed him to her and told him to have fun at school. He looked kind of unsure, but reached for her and didn't cry. I heard her telling him that they had puzzles and bells out in the next room. She had emailed me by the time I got to work to tell me that we both did great with the drop off and that there were no tears today!

At about 12:30 she called me and told me that she just HAD to tell me that Lucas got into his cot today by himself and fell asleep in about 10 min (yesterday it took an hour). She said that he climbed right in by himself and then said "cars? cars?" - he has a blanket with race cars on it that I told him was like the movie Cars. She also said that you'd never know that it was only his fourth day. She said he was working very hard this morning by getting work/toys off of the shelves and taking them to his mat, putting them away, selecting another one, taking to the table, etc. She said that she loved him to death and she was very proud of him. What a great teacher! I am so amazed at how removing mommy and daddy and adding some other kids has influenced him. He seems to be loving it.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

i know you can't wait until tomorrow so that you can smother him with kisses ALL DAY!!!! I love the weekends for that very reason