Monday, October 31, 2005
Miscellaneous Stuff
The four of us (Tyson and Baby Schrades included) went to ATL this wknd for the GT Homecoming game (go jackets). It's always a fast turnaround, rather stressful trip, but this wknd was better because we got to hang out with friends at the game, and then with Sandy both evenings (she drove to ATL from Memphis for the wknd). We're usually over committing and spending every second on the go, but I'm trying to slow down now that Baby Schrades is here.
The Baby
We're in week 18 and they say that I should start feeling the baby move this week or next (I retract my earlier entry about feeling movement...I haven't felt those bubbles since then). I sit still every night to try to feel, but nothing yet. We have our 1st ultrasound appt with our midwife next Tuesday. This is where they will make sure that he is developing properly. The books say he is about 7 ounces, and is almost 8 inches from head to toe....about the size of a pickle.
The Wedding
Neil and Jennifer are getting married here in Raleigh on Thursday. They are driving up from ATL today, so I'm taking the next 3 days off of work (yippee!). My parents and brother are also coming up tomorrow, so it will be like a little family reunion. I can't wait to send out pictures of Jenn in her dress!
The List
So Jeff and I are on the same page with this. We're not opposed to buying everything we need, but where the heck do you put all of this stuff? Is there any hope of having an uncluttered house again? We have a hard enough time keeping things looking neat now. My friends that have made their living room into playrooms are smart, but our house isn't setup that way. Oh well, we'll make it work. We're finishing our walk-up attic now so that we can move the guest bedroom furniture up there and use the guestroom as the nursery. We looked at cribs this wknd at IKEA, but neither one of us liked their selection. On to Babies R US....
The Costume
Tyson Schrades will most likely be Superman Returns tonight. If I can't find the cape then he may have to be a ghost. He gets a haircut tomorrow, so I told Jeff it would be fun to spike and color his hair into a punk rocker. I doubt we'll do that though....
Friday, October 28, 2005
The List
All of the above items comprise a fraction of a baby items list that Shanna sent me in an email recently - I believe it was compiled by a new mom. Furthermore, all of the above items fell under the category of "Things you'll want right away." So these, folks, are just the bare essentials. For the "Things that would be nice to have," you're gonna want the "Jumperoo", not to be confused with the bouncy seat (which is not optional), and the booster seat, which, in my day, was called the "Yellow Pages". Also, you're going to want an assortment of strollers, such as the umbrella stroller and the jog stroller. And if you want to run with your baby in the rain, I'm sure someone sells the umbrella jogging stroller.
Then there is the trillion dollar a year industry of bottles and bottle accessories. Apparently, if you buy a bottle or two, you're really making a serious commitment, because you will need a bottle cleaner, bottle sterilizer, bottle nipples and dome caps, and a drying rack for the bottles. That's right, a drying rack for the bottles.
Now, I know some of these items are wonderful inventions that make raising a baby easier and more convienient... But I think the baby accessories industry has definitely played into our consumer culture and persuaded us that we need things, that are actually unnecessary, to raise a baby.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Are babies as expensive as puppies?
(date should be Nov, 2003)
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Mizner Lane HOA
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Thirsty Dream
Last night Jeff suggested putting vasoline in my nose to keep it moist, which is the same thing a humidifier would do. Possibly the best night's sleep I've ever had....thanks JB.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Flowers and eBay Art
On Sunday I planted flowers. I've never planted flowers by myself before, so I just copied what I saw Sandy do last year. Here's one pot...
Friday, October 21, 2005
Brilliant Kids
First, there was the future pilot that wasn't paying attention and walked straight into a brick wall outside of Lowe's. He wasn't moving fast, but I think the impact scared him and he started crying. His mom comforted him and told him it was OK, but I think we might be seeing him in an all-day helmet pretty soon. To his credit, the wall was not that massive.
Next was the little girl at the restaurant who decided to play "look what I found" under the table after dinner. Perhaps a future leader in archaeological excavation, she uncovered a missing fork and a used napkin. She then proceeded to conduct a field test on the napkin do determine its history. Her parents told her to "get that napkin away from your face", but they were still proud.
Last but not least, the neighborhood girl that left a Halloween note on our other neighbor, Lynn's door. I've tried to recreate the note as accurately as possible:

I think it was supposed to say something like "You've been spooked. Spook someone else!" in a light-hearted, Halloween spirit kind of way. Instead, the crappy, deranged stalker-quality of the note freaked Lynn out and had her contemplating the installation of an alarm system. Good job honey.
Until next time....
Thursday, October 20, 2005
The Best Invention
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Go Blue Team
And finally, the baby's best friend makes another appearance...
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Where am I?
Monday, October 17, 2005
Friday, October 14, 2005
I got your blog right here
So at the request of my mom, I will be doing a little blogging on the Baby Schrades blog. From now on, Friday's will be reserved for me to share my thoughts, feelings, and belly pictures. So without further BS...
After finding out we're having a boy, I started compiling a name list. The plan is for Shanna to compile her own and then we will compare. I think we are on the same wavelength for baby names, and I think we nailed "Tyson" (I mean, he was definitely meant to be Tyson), but every time I hear a name I feel like Nicolas Cage as Asswipe Johnson on that SNL skit. Here's a transcript if you have no idea what I'm talking about:
I guess that's normal though. You just have to pick a name and go with it.
Well, I'm blogged out for the day. I enjoyed my first blogging experience. Until next time...
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
It was our first ultrasound where he looked like a real baby, and not just a bean. We could see everything...his head, body, legs, toes, fingers...and she also pointed out his heart, kidneys and stomach. The first thing she checked for was his hearbeat, which was 162. When she told us that we both thought it was a girl (I guess the ole' wives' tale isn't always right), but then she zoomed in on his little pee pee and we all three knew it was a boy!
The picture below is a view as if he is looking right at the camera. His head is on the left side of the screen and he has both arms above his head. His little body goes off to the right. You can't see his legs. For those who haven't seen an ultrasound (I had not), the eyes look like black holes in an ultrasound image.

This picture is of his little right hand...

And this is the picture of us exploiting the poor little guy. This is a view as if he were sitting on a glass chair and the picture was taken from underneath the chair. You can see his bottom sort of in the middle of the screen, and you can see that he's sitting with his legs apart....

New Weekly Friday Addition: Blogs by Dad
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Bubbles or Baby?
This is what is posted on the Babyzone website and I think I felt some movement. The first time was Friday night after dinner. We were sitting on the couch and I felt little "bubbles" on the left side of my stomach. I thought it was just digestion, but since then I've felt it a few more times. It's always at night after dinner and on the same side. We'll never know if it's really the baby, but it's exciting to sit still and wait for it every night.
Thanks to Holly, Lisa and Brittain for being concerned about my eating habits, but don't worry...I've never been one to not eat! I don't care if I gain 100 lbs with this pregnancy, as long as most of it is healthy weight. However, I have incentive to stay within normal range so I can wear all of the maternity clothes that Brittain let me borrow! (Thanks BB)
Monday, October 10, 2005
This must be yours, ma'am....
Friday, October 07, 2005
Baby Squirrel
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Are you pregnant?
We (yes, I somehow dragged Jeff along on a shopping related errand) went to Target. We need a new fan for our bedroom, so we were in the fan section, which is also where the air purifiers are located. This very nice lady that was shopping asked us if we also had alergies. We said no, that we were shopping for a fan. Then she told us which one she thought was the best and how she knows best because her kids have allergies, but they still have 3 cats (huh?). Then (here's the point) she said she saw me rubbing my belly and asked me if I was expecting. Yay! Anyway, she then asked us both where we worked, if I was going to continue working after the baby came, etc. ----> Cut over to what Jeff was doing: Jeff had already figured out that this lady was a scam artist, probably Quixtar or Amway, and had walked away from the scene. I mean, who is that nice and interested in a total stranger? He comes back to save me and says that they don't have what we need. The lady introduces herself to me, and then looks to Jeff to get his name...but he had already dis'ed her by turning his back and walking away...
We're sure that she followed us to that section of the store and was not really shopping for herself. She didn't look at a fan the whole time we stood there. We are pros at picking up on these people now. We used to hang out at Barnes and Noble and would overhear their cheesy pick-up lines all the time.
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Second Trimester Energy
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Help with Names (for the GPs)
It's been my experience that the first grandchild gets to determine what the grandparents will be called. Wesley was the first grandchild for my parents. He is learning to call them Grandma and Grandpa, so that is what Baby Schrades will call them as well. Jeff and Scott called their grandparents Grandma and Grandpa, so Sandy wants a name that is a little different. She's done her research and these are the names in the running. What do you think?
1. Amma (rhymes with mama or momma)
The spiritual leader Mata Amritanandamayi, lovingly called "Amma", and known globally as India's "hugging saint mother". Ms Amritanandamayi, which literally means "Mother of Absolute Bliss", was born to a low caste Hindu family in a poor fishing village in the southern Indian coastal state of Kerala. Amma began hugging devotees at an early age, and is said to have hugged at least 21 million people over the past three decades.
2. Nonna (rhymes with sauna)
Italian translation of Grandma
3. Nona (rhymes with Jonah)
I had a hard time finding meaning of this one. One definition is "ninth" and the other is this:
Known as "the Spinner", she spins the Thread of Life that controls your destiny. It's slender and delicate, but extremely tough stuff.
4. Avia
Latin translation of Grandmother
"Grandpa" Dennis is still working on his list of names...