Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Go Blue Team

Since the "blue team" is by far the majority in our house, we're celebrating our boy stuff...

And finally, the baby's best friend makes another appearance...


Jen said...

You and Jeff have cute blog entries. This is exciting to follow your pregnancy even though you are out of state. I wish they had this stuff around when I lived in Mass. and Michigan. Congrats on your Baby Boy! Y'all will make WONDERFUL parents. I am not going back to work until Carleigh is close to school age I guess. I am enjoying staying at home. I am a domesticated housewife kind of woman!! Take care. :) JEN

Jen said...

Oh Yeh, I am in love with the puppy!!!

Anonymous said...

...whay may have been the underlying that moved people to tie pink and blue to gender?????
maybe babies should all wear ultraviolet!