Monday, October 10, 2005

This must be yours, ma'am....

Jeff's challenge is not to let me pass him on the scale. On Saturday night we went to dinner. The reason we went out is because we couldn't decide on something that sounded good to both of us. I wanted meatloaf (aka, beef) and Jeff did not. I was thrilled at dinner to find out that one of their specials was a 14 oz steak, with a baked potato and asparagus on the side. Yum! I love asparagus, but we don't eat it because it's the only vegetable that Jeff doesn't really like. Anyway, a different waiter from the one that took our order brought us our food. He put the plate of fish in front of me and said, "Here you go ma'am, I assume you ordered this...". He was a little embarrassed to find out that my husband had actually ordered the girly fish meal. Our next appointment is on Wednesday, so we'll see how the beef craving is affecting the figure...(I didn't eat the whole steak)....


Holly said...

Silly- eat the whole steak! And then order dessert and eat that too! It's not fair to limit yourself (not to mention Baby Schrades) to only gaining a certain amount of weight. As we've recently seen, everyone gains differently. I'm sure Jeff would love to have the opportunity to laugh at you if you weighed more than him :). (Maybe you can challenge Jeff to put on some sympathy pounds!)

Brittain... said...

I hope you are not obsessing about your weight! If you pass Jeff, take advantage of it-body slam him and tell him he is too skinney!

Lisa said...

I agree with BBB. Eat and enjoy. You may never be able to eat like this again!