Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Thirsty Dream

Has anybody had this one? I equate it to the feeling of drowning and being near death. I'd never had it until the past few nights (minus last night thanks to my husband). One of the symptoms of pregnancy is a stuffy nose. I guess I'm breathing through my mouth at night due to this, and with the cold weather over the past few days, I get total dry mouth during the night....and chapped lips to top it off. The worst part, however, is that your body sends signals that you're thirsty, but it sends them in the form of a dream....and then you can't wake up!! In my latest "nightmare" I was at a party and I was looking for Jeff, so that he could get me some water. When I finally found him and I drank the water, it would not quench my thirst. That is when the drowning feeling comes into play. Anyway, you eventually wake up and realize that there is a glass of water within reach and all is well.

Last night Jeff suggested putting vasoline in my nose to keep it moist, which is the same thing a humidifier would do. Possibly the best night's sleep I've ever had....thanks JB.

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