Monday, October 31, 2005

Miscellaneous Stuff

This Weekend
The four of us (Tyson and Baby Schrades included) went to ATL this wknd for the GT Homecoming game (go jackets). It's always a fast turnaround, rather stressful trip, but this wknd was better because we got to hang out with friends at the game, and then with Sandy both evenings (she drove to ATL from Memphis for the wknd). We're usually over committing and spending every second on the go, but I'm trying to slow down now that Baby Schrades is here.

The Baby
We're in week 18 and they say that I should start feeling the baby move this week or next (I retract my earlier entry about feeling movement...I haven't felt those bubbles since then). I sit still every night to try to feel, but nothing yet. We have our 1st ultrasound appt with our midwife next Tuesday. This is where they will make sure that he is developing properly. The books say he is about 7 ounces, and is almost 8 inches from head to toe....about the size of a pickle.

The Wedding
Neil and Jennifer are getting married here in Raleigh on Thursday. They are driving up from ATL today, so I'm taking the next 3 days off of work (yippee!). My parents and brother are also coming up tomorrow, so it will be like a little family reunion. I can't wait to send out pictures of Jenn in her dress!

The List
So Jeff and I are on the same page with this. We're not opposed to buying everything we need, but where the heck do you put all of this stuff? Is there any hope of having an uncluttered house again? We have a hard enough time keeping things looking neat now. My friends that have made their living room into playrooms are smart, but our house isn't setup that way. Oh well, we'll make it work. We're finishing our walk-up attic now so that we can move the guest bedroom furniture up there and use the guestroom as the nursery. We looked at cribs this wknd at IKEA, but neither one of us liked their selection. On to Babies R US....

The Costume
Tyson Schrades will most likely be Superman Returns tonight. If I can't find the cape then he may have to be a ghost. He gets a haircut tomorrow, so I told Jeff it would be fun to spike and color his hair into a punk rocker. I doubt we'll do that though....

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Man! you have a lot going on. Tell Jenn and Neil Congrats for me. Man, seems like only yesterday that Neil was always my "date" when Brett couldn't/wouldn't go out with the crowd living at Drakes Landing. I am so excitied for them. Please send pictures of the wedding and Tyson.