Friday, October 14, 2005

I got your blog right here

"Blogs are stupid." That's what Shanna said when I told her about the latest internet buzzword a couple months ago. But look at her now. I think it's safe to say she's all about the blog.

So at the request of my mom, I will be doing a little blogging on the Baby Schrades blog. From now on, Friday's will be reserved for me to share my thoughts, feelings, and belly pictures. So without further BS...

After finding out we're having a boy, I started compiling a name list. The plan is for Shanna to compile her own and then we will compare. I think we are on the same wavelength for baby names, and I think we nailed "Tyson" (I mean, he was definitely meant to be Tyson), but every time I hear a name I feel like Nicolas Cage as Asswipe Johnson on that SNL skit. Here's a transcript if you have no idea what I'm talking about:

I guess that's normal though. You just have to pick a name and go with it.

Well, I'm blogged out for the day. I enjoyed my first blogging experience. Until next time...


Lisa said...

I was glad to hear from you.Great blogging! I am glad that you think picking out a name is so easy! It took us the full 8 months to agree on anything. Both times! Not to put on pressure~ but just think that this baby boy will have to live his entire life with whatever you pick out.Just think of David Bowie's daughter Zowie or Rob Morrow's daughter Tu, can't forget Sylvester Stallone's son, Sage Moon Blood. Poor things. It was alot of pressure. We went for the presidental sound of, Joseph Trenton Barfield. My Mom always said to go to the back door and yell the entire name out, "Alyssa Michelle Barfield, you get in here." Whatever flows, works.

Brittain... said...

We went around the house yelling Benjamin Reid and Madeline Cate too! It has to roll off the tongue for those times when you find them eating the dog's food or standing in the water bowl with their shoes on.