I planned on taking him to the park or something afterwards, but there was a clown in the store that was making balloon creatures and painting faces. Lucas watched a few other kids get their faces painted before he asked to get his painted. I was shocked that he actually sat in the chair while she did this! She painted a clown face on his little face and it was just about the cutest thing I'd ever seen. He doesn't look thrilled in the video or the picture, but he was so proud of it. Most of it wore off throughout the day, but he insisted on keeping his clown eyebrows on for dinner at Melissa and Shawn's house that night : )
Saturday, June 28, 2008
2nd Haircut and 1st Face Painting
I planned on taking him to the park or something afterwards, but there was a clown in the store that was making balloon creatures and painting faces. Lucas watched a few other kids get their faces painted before he asked to get his painted. I was shocked that he actually sat in the chair while she did this! She painted a clown face on his little face and it was just about the cutest thing I'd ever seen. He doesn't look thrilled in the video or the picture, but he was so proud of it. Most of it wore off throughout the day, but he insisted on keeping his clown eyebrows on for dinner at Melissa and Shawn's house that night : )
Tree Progress
Here are Craig and Shawn working hard...
Pierson and Lucas Keeping Cool
Island Eating
And he was just checking to make sure that this bread was fresh...
And here he had just finished a watermelon snack. He asked for us to tie this rag around his neck so that he didn't get sticky : )
Friday, June 27, 2008
This morning...
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Chocolate Lover... like Mama
Lucas: "Ice cream please."
Mama: "Okay, you can have a few bites now before we leave."
Mama gets strawberry sorbet out of freezer and gives to Lucas with a spoon.
Lucas: "no, no, no mama... BROWN!"
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Observant Lucas
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Lucas's First Name Suggestion
Little cutie. I wonder where he got that? We have a few friends named Maddie, so I doubt if that is what we will go with, but it was still cute.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Watch Mommy! Watch Daddy!
I thought he was only doing this with us, but Mrs. Xenia said that on Friday he would ask her to watch and then dive into the mulch in the playground.
He is such a silly goose right now. We're loving this age.
Little Negotiator
Lucas: Baby? Baby? Two please.
Mama: Lucas, you've already had four babies today and you usually only get two.
Lucas: Nooo, noooo, noooo. One!
Dada: Lucas, you've already had four babies, you don't need another one.
Lucas: Ooooh, ooooh... FIVE!
Also recently heard at our house:
Lucas: Baby please.
Dada: Lucas, you've already had one baby. You can have another one after you get dressed.
Lucas: Nooo, nooo, nooo. One!
Mama: Lucas, let's make a deal. Look at mama's eyes. The deal is that you get ONE baby after you get dressed.
Dada: Deal or No Deal (like the corny guy on t.v.)
Lucas: No deal.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Baby Sister Prep
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Lucas's First Gift
After breakfast it was time for Lucas to give Jeff his Father's Day gift. It was something that he had made at school and his teacher had wrapped for him (how nice!), so I didn't have to do anything. It was Lucas's very first gift giving experience! It didn't go exactly as planned, however, because Lucas got so excited that he had the gift half way open by the time he got to Jeff! Oh well...
Here it is... Lucas's gift to Jeff for Father's Day 2008!
Short Shorts
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Summer at the Pool!
When we got there we played in the baby pool and then in the big pool for a couple of hours before getting dressed for a nice lunch...
And I did manage to get one picture of Christopher and Lucas together...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
School Friends
(Jeff doesn't have a tatoo (arm). Those are markings from his race)
2 Year Check-Up
Lucas's doctor must have made a good impression on him the last time he saw him because he has been saying his names at random times for the past few weeks. It was fun to see him get excited when we told him that he'd get to see him again soon. When we walked into the waiting room he looked around and said, "Hmmm, Dr. Wiles"? I told him that Nurse Janet would see us first. He couldn't say "nurse", surprisingly, so by the end of the appointment he was running down the hallway waving to Janet and saying, "Hi Janet"! When we finally did the doctor he gave him a big grin and a high five.
I didn't have many questions for the doctor this time, but we did cover the topics of two year olds being unreasonable and potty training. I asked him why Lucas throws his cereal down in the backseat and then cries that he wants more - he said because two year olds are unreasonable. I asked him if I should potty train Lucas over a 3 day period (like I've heard that some people have done) and he told me no way. He said that I didn't teach him to walk in one weekend and that potty training is no different. He said just to give him the opportunity and encourage him and that it would happen eventually.
Lucas enjoyed the exam. He plopped right down on the table and giggled as the doctor listened to his heartbeat and looked in his ears. When the nurse pricked his finger to check his iron his little lip trembled, but he held back the tears and then was distracted by the band-aid.
We're not scheduled to go for another check-up until he's three.
New Shoes
Monday, June 16, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Dada's Triathlon
Happy Father's Day, Dada, from your future tri-athlete!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
A hug for Ben
Crocs Warning : )
Friday, June 13, 2008
Milkshake Mustache
Mama likes making mustaches too! The pink flowers in my hair were from Lucas. My little gentleman picks me flowers daily and I always stick them behind my ear. We took this picture ourselves. I put my arm around Lucas and then he put his little arm around me and said "cheese"! He's such a big boy now!
Routine? Heat? Milk?
You can be sure of one thing, I'm going to try and get the new baby on a routine asap!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Playing with Dada
Night # 4 of Sleep
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
3 Nights in a Row!
Just so I remember, here is what Lucas's night sleep patterns have been like over the past 6 months:
- Fall 2007- woke up at least twice a night to nurse
- Christmas 2007 - Sandy and Jeff got Lucas to where he would call for Jeff when he woke up (still twice a night). Did not nurse at night from end of December through first of April.
- Early April 2008 - Lucas and I got a viral infection (kind of like the flu) and then Jeff got it. When Lucas and I were sick we spent a lot of time napping together and I nursed him at night when he woke up with a fever. When Jeff got sick he couldn't care for Lucas at night, so he started nursing again when I would go in to him. Jeff got better the day before Lucas started Montessori school... we didn't want Lucas to have a "bad" night the day before school, so I continued to go in and nurse him during the transition to school.
- End of May 2008 - We had a very tough few weeks in a row. I think my milk was decreasing, but it was made worse because we went out of town (a triathlon and Memorial Day weekend) and Lucas had to sleep with us. When we returned home we decided to try and get Jeff to go in to soothe Lucas at night again. We tried it for 2 nights in a row. Both nights Jeff tried to get Lucas to sleep for 3 hours. The first night he fell asleep sitting up because he was so tired (but woke up 2 hours later). The second night we gave in after three hours and I nursed him and cuddled with him. He was so shaken up that I was thinking that we had damaged him... we swore we'd just go with his needs and not try to force night weaning again.
- Early June 2008 - Lucas was consistently going to bed around 9pm, getting up around 1am, 5am, and up for day around 6:30am. I was staying up at least an hour with him each night because I couldn't sleep with him anymore while he nursed.
- June 8, 2008 - Lucas surprised us by sleeping through the night.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
In case you can't tell, his head is on the left and tail on the right...
And here he is making himself comfortable in piles of clothes that I was sorting through...
"All gone. Bye-Bye milk!"
It makes sense because a couple of weeks ago we had a really hard time for about a week or so. Lucas was getting up 2-3 times a night and was very restless during these times, keeping me up for at least an hour each time. He would nurse, but then flip-flop around and just couldn't seem to get comfortable. Then after about an hour he'd ask to go to the rocker. I was so frustrated and actually had these thoughts, "I hate nursing! This is ridiculous. We have got to put a stop this, starting tomorrow. It's time wean him." Then in the morning I would feel guilty because I hadn't been more patient during this time where he needed me emotionally. I even reached out to a local Attachment Parenting group to see if there was anyone there that had experienced this while pregnant. Anyway, looking back, I think that must have been when my milk was decreasing. Lucas would wake up wanting to get milk, like he had done for over two years, and couldn't go back to sleep without it being there for him. He was also probably hungry and thirsty (one night we even got up and had a snack).
I'm not depending AT ALL on him sleeping through the night from here on out, but I do think, however, that this may be a turning point for him. There is no more milk and he seems to be adjusting.
How do I feel about this? Kind of sad because it's one more step towards being a little boy and away from a baby, but I want what's best for Lucas and if it's time for him then I will encourage and support him. This is only the beginning of the weaning process anyway. He still asks for a boobie snack, as Jeff has always called it, when we are together... he just doesn't stay latched on for as long as he used to. I guess it would be better for him to totally wean before the baby is born because I don't know how I could nurse them both at the same time. I think lots of women have done it, but that just seems like a lot to take on... although I guess I'd lose my baby weight pretty quickly!
10 and 1/2 Hours!
I made sure last night that he wore the same pjs as the night before, so I have to document what we did yesterday so that I'll remember what to do tonight and going forward. I'm superstitious, but who knows what was the one thing that made him sleep all night... can't risk missing anything.
Lucas had a snack at school at 3:30 and then some crackers in the car on the way home at 4:30. We stayed outside for a few min when we got home and then went in to get some water around 5:00. Lucas wanted "boobie on the purple couch" so we went upstairs and cuddled/nursed for 30-45 min. Jeff was on the computer at the time, so it was just a quiet, cool time for us to hang out (was 102 degrees outside). At 5:45 we packed up and all three went to the grocery store. At 6:30 Lucas and I started dinner while Jeff went to gym for swim class (he has triathlon this wknd). Lucas and I ate around 7:00 - he had a little of all of this: spaghetti, watermelon, broccoli, and mac/cheese. We had a moment at 7:15 because I let him help me water the plants and he didn't want to turn off the water hose. At 7:30 Lucas took a quick bath. At 7:45 he was dressed in pjs. At 8:00 we watched "street" (sesame street) while he had a yo baby yogurt and a small bowl of oatmeal. I told him that after Elmo he would have to go night-night, but I let him watch the Oscar segment since Oscar's worm, Slimey, was going night-night. Jeff came home around 8:15. At 8:30 I asked Lucas where he wanted to go night-night (it's either the rocker, mama's bed, black couch or purple couch) and he chose the purple couch. After about 15 min he was asleep and I carried him down to his bed and cuddled with him for a few min until I knew he was sound asleep.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Sweet Friends
8 and 1/2 Hours!
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Oh my gosh, it's hot!
Water hoses and big buckets...
Sprinkler pools...
Tanks tops, summer skirts and ponytails!
Saturday, June 07, 2008
21 Week Checkup
She seems to be more active than Lucas was in the womb. The other night at dinner she kicked me or punched me so hard that I gave Jeff a dirty look because I thought he had poked me in the belly!
I thought we had a good name picked out, but Jenn told me a possible nickname that could be made from it, so I'm not sure now. Also, Jeff said last night he's not sure he's on board with the "theme" of name, or at least isn't ready to commit. Sigh.. back to the drawing board. That's okay, we have plenty of time!
Friday, June 06, 2008
Grandpa is here!
Lucas also likes to sit in Grandpa's lap at night...