Saturday, June 07, 2008

21 Week Checkup

Everything is going well with Baby Sister. At our checkup yesterday they said that she felt like she was right where she should be and her heart rate was good (150s). My blood pressure was 102/64. My weight has gone from 118 to 133, so I'm on track to gain 34 lbs if I gain 1 lb a week for the next 19 wks (I gained 33 with Lucas).

She seems to be more active than Lucas was in the womb. The other night at dinner she kicked me or punched me so hard that I gave Jeff a dirty look because I thought he had poked me in the belly!

I thought we had a good name picked out, but Jenn told me a possible nickname that could be made from it, so I'm not sure now. Also, Jeff said last night he's not sure he's on board with the "theme" of name, or at least isn't ready to commit. Sigh.. back to the drawing board. That's okay, we have plenty of time!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Sorry about the nickname Shan! I just couldn't stand for my little niece to be made fun of.