Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Observant Lucas

Lucas is way more observant than I am. He gets it from Jeff. Jeff and I will be riding down the road and he'll ask me if I know what business a new building contains - my answer is usually that I had no clue it was even there. I don't pay attention to anything I don't have to. Lucas is like Jeff - he doesn't miss anything. A few examples... 1) We'll be walking through the grocery store and he'll spot a little dolphin on a can 10 feet away and point it out. 2) He seems to always be scanning signs for letters that he recognizes when we're driving. I'll look at him in the mirror and he'll have his serious look on and then will suddenly scream out a letter and then look at me to make sure I see it too. 3) He knows what kind of shoes all of his friends wear at school. The kids have a pair of shoes that they wear outside only, so they are kept in a basket outside of the door when the kids are inside. Every morning when we get to school and every afternoon when I pick him up Lucas tells me who each pair of shoes belong to. The other day we were looking at pictures on his class website and one of the pictures had a tiny picture of a kid's shoes in the top corner. Lucas pointed them out and knew who they belonged to.

1 comment:

Brittain... said...

Ben is the same way. He noticed when his teacher got her hair cut or just got a new necklace. It's scary! Hope you are feeling well!