Tuesday, June 10, 2008

"All gone. Bye-Bye milk!"

This is what my sweet boy says when I ask him if there is any milk left in the, um... boobies. I'm pretty sure there isn't much, if any, in there for him anymore. My doctor warned me that most pregnant women that are still nursing have their milk decrease drastically, if not totally, in the 2nd trimester.

It makes sense because a couple of weeks ago we had a really hard time for about a week or so. Lucas was getting up 2-3 times a night and was very restless during these times, keeping me up for at least an hour each time. He would nurse, but then flip-flop around and just couldn't seem to get comfortable. Then after about an hour he'd ask to go to the rocker. I was so frustrated and actually had these thoughts, "I hate nursing! This is ridiculous. We have got to put a stop this, starting tomorrow. It's time wean him." Then in the morning I would feel guilty because I hadn't been more patient during this time where he needed me emotionally. I even reached out to a local Attachment Parenting group to see if there was anyone there that had experienced this while pregnant. Anyway, looking back, I think that must have been when my milk was decreasing. Lucas would wake up wanting to get milk, like he had done for over two years, and couldn't go back to sleep without it being there for him. He was also probably hungry and thirsty (one night we even got up and had a snack).

I'm not depending AT ALL on him sleeping through the night from here on out, but I do think, however, that this may be a turning point for him. There is no more milk and he seems to be adjusting.

How do I feel about this? Kind of sad because it's one more step towards being a little boy and away from a baby, but I want what's best for Lucas and if it's time for him then I will encourage and support him. This is only the beginning of the weaning process anyway. He still asks for a boobie snack, as Jeff has always called it, when we are together... he just doesn't stay latched on for as long as he used to. I guess it would be better for him to totally wean before the baby is born because I don't know how I could nurse them both at the same time. I think lots of women have done it, but that just seems like a lot to take on... although I guess I'd lose my baby weight pretty quickly!

1 comment:

Frances Katrin said...

Even with less milk, nursing can continue if you want. With no milk, nursing can continue if you want. He needs your breast and the comfort of sucking just as much as he desires the liquid gold itself. The taste might be changing too, since colostrum is what will be produced in the thrid trimester. And that can impact your nursing habits/ schedule. Just like your vacations, sickness, weather... pregnancy is just another change that he's adjusting to.

Consider having a conversation with Lucas-- "Mommy's milk is changing. There might not be as much or it might taste like french fries instead of yogurt. But you are welcome to nurse when you want, it just might be different. But I promise that when the new baby comes, there will be LOTS and LOTS of milk for both of you. And it will taste like yogurt again. Okay?"

When Katrin finishes one side she says, "That one's empty. Other side please... The left one."