Friday, June 13, 2008

Routine? Heat? Milk?

Lucas slept from 9:00-7:30 again last night (had to wake him up at 7:30). Not only did he sleep well, but the bedtime routine has also gotten super easy. It used to take 1-2 hours to get him to sleep each night, but last night it took about 5 min. Like the past several nights, we ate at 6:30, bath at 7:30, snack at 8:00, Sesame Street at 8:30, rocker at 8:45 and asleep by 9:00. And, another first was when I turned off Sesame Street and picked him up he laid his little head down on my shoulder - that has never happened! When I came out of his room Jeff and I talked about how easy that was and why we think his behavior has changed. I commented that maybe it's just his new routine (with school) and it just took him a couple of months to get really into it. But then there is my milk supply... and I also think the 100 degree weather is making us all more tired.

You can be sure of one thing, I'm going to try and get the new baby on a routine asap!

1 comment:

Meg Boyd said...

Take is from one living through the pain of bad sleeper...getting Baby Girl Schroeder into a sleeping pattern would be great but with another kid around it is very difficult and please don't beat yourself up if it doesn't work. I think Lucas is such a handsome little boy and every time I see his smile I can't help but smile too!