Tuesday, June 10, 2008

10 and 1/2 Hours!

Lucas gave us an unprecedented two nights of sleep in a row. Last night he went down at 9pm and didn't get up until 7:30am. When I peeked in his room at 7:30 to see if he was stirring he was sitting up in his bed smiling at me... little cutie.

I made sure last night that he wore the same pjs as the night before, so I have to document what we did yesterday so that I'll remember what to do tonight and going forward. I'm superstitious, but who knows what was the one thing that made him sleep all night... can't risk missing anything.

Lucas had a snack at school at 3:30 and then some crackers in the car on the way home at 4:30. We stayed outside for a few min when we got home and then went in to get some water around 5:00. Lucas wanted "boobie on the purple couch" so we went upstairs and cuddled/nursed for 30-45 min. Jeff was on the computer at the time, so it was just a quiet, cool time for us to hang out (was 102 degrees outside). At 5:45 we packed up and all three went to the grocery store. At 6:30 Lucas and I started dinner while Jeff went to gym for swim class (he has triathlon this wknd). Lucas and I ate around 7:00 - he had a little of all of this: spaghetti, watermelon, broccoli, and mac/cheese. We had a moment at 7:15 because I let him help me water the plants and he didn't want to turn off the water hose. At 7:30 Lucas took a quick bath. At 7:45 he was dressed in pjs. At 8:00 we watched "street" (sesame street) while he had a yo baby yogurt and a small bowl of oatmeal. I told him that after Elmo he would have to go night-night, but I let him watch the Oscar segment since Oscar's worm, Slimey, was going night-night. Jeff came home around 8:15. At 8:30 I asked Lucas where he wanted to go night-night (it's either the rocker, mama's bed, black couch or purple couch) and he chose the purple couch. After about 15 min he was asleep and I carried him down to his bed and cuddled with him for a few min until I knew he was sound asleep.

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