Monday, June 23, 2008

Little Negotiator

Recently heard at our house. Note that "babies" are gummy bear vitamins and/or little gummy treats. He usually gets two vitamins a day.

Lucas: Baby? Baby? Two please.
Mama: Lucas, you've already had four babies today and you usually only get two.
Lucas: Nooo, noooo, noooo. One!
Dada: Lucas, you've already had four babies, you don't need another one.
Lucas: Ooooh, ooooh... FIVE!

Also recently heard at our house:

Lucas: Baby please.
Dada: Lucas, you've already had one baby. You can have another one after you get dressed.
Lucas: Nooo, nooo, nooo. One!
Mama: Lucas, let's make a deal. Look at mama's eyes. The deal is that you get ONE baby after you get dressed.
Dada: Deal or No Deal (like the corny guy on t.v.)
Lucas: No deal.

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