Friday, June 06, 2008

Our Evening and Night Routine

4:30-5:00 I usually pick Lucas up from school on my way home from work

5:00-5:15 Arrive home and play outside for 15 min or so if it's hot or an hour if it's not. If it's too hot for outside then we do water work inside at the sink or water work outside on the porch. Sometimes Lucas asks for a snack during this time too.

6:00 Start preparing dinner. Lucas helps as much as he can. I sit him on the island or he pulls a chair up to the island. If I'm cutting something he puts the pieces into a bowl, shreds lettuce, pours things into mixing bowl, etc.

6:30 Eat dinner/clean kitchen

7:00-8:00 Play/bath/get dressed/brush teeth

8:00-8:30 Start bedtime routine. All 4 of us go into Lucas's room and we take turns reading books to him. He can make it through the short books, but not the long ones. Sometimes Lucas wants to mess around with his covers, creating tents, etc. Sometimes he wants Jeff to empty the piggy bank so that he can put the coins back in it. Eventually he gets cranky and we know it's time for the rocker, or he'll tell us "night-night". He sits with me in the rocker, usually with a book, and gives Jeff a high five, a kiss and a hug.

8:30-9:30 Lucas asleep (mama almost asleep!)

1:00ish Lucas usually wakes up and calls out a sleep "mommyyyyy, mammaaaaa" and I go in and lay down with him until he falls asleep (includes nursing).

4:30-5:00 Lucas usually wakes up for a second time. Same as above.

7:00 Up for the day.

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