Monday, June 02, 2008

20 Wks - Half Way

This week marks the 20th week of my pregnancy. Jeff and I still catch a glimpse of my growing belly sometimes and wonder aloud how I got this big so fast. It seems like we just started talking about another baby a few days ago and now we are only a little over four months away from a family of four.
Baby Sister is doing well from what I can tell. She is moving a lot each day and I can often feel her little movements with my hand if I place it on my belly. Other than a couple of nagging things like being more emotional and my sciatic nerve hurting sometimes, the pregnancy is going really smoothly. I am sometimes concerned that I'm putting too much stress on my body by nursing, getting up twice at night and carrying Lucas around a lot, but I figure that there are millions of mothers that have been pregnant while caring for a toddler before. I am going to talk to the doctor about it on Friday though. Looking back, I think I may have caused my water to break with Lucas a few days early because I was doing too much (scrubbing floor with toothbrush at 4am). I am not really worried yet, but told Jeff that he needs to make me take it easy during the third trimester.
I wish we had a name picked out, but we don't. We don't really even have top favorites. I think I know the type of name that I want, and Jeff agrees, but no winners yet. I want to get some things monogrammed so we need to get serious!

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Wendy said...

You look great, Shanna - I'm so glad to hear that the pregnancy is going so smoothly!

Meg Boyd said...

You look great! I am so happy for you guys it is so excited to add a new member to the family and if you are feeling tired now you have to start taking it easy now. It only gets worse as the pregnancy goes on.