Tuesday, June 17, 2008

2 Year Check-Up

We were a little late in scheduling Lucas's check-up, but we finally made it there last week. Here are his stats:

Weight: 26.2lbs (20%)
Height: 35.25 inches (60%)
Head Circum: 19" (35%)
So our kid is long and lean... not a big surprise. He has long legs like his dada.

doctor must have made a good impression on him the last time he saw him because he has been saying his names at random times for the past few weeks. It was fun to see him get excited when we told him that he'd get to see him again soon. When we walked into the waiting room he looked around and said, "Hmmm, Dr. Wiles"? I told him that Nurse Janet would see us first. He couldn't say "nurse", surprisingly, so by the end of the appointment he was running down the hallway waving to Janet and saying, "Hi Janet"! When we finally did the doctor he gave him a big grin and a high five.

I didn't have many questions for the doctor this time, but we did cover the topics of two year olds being unreasonable and potty training. I asked him why Lucas throws his cereal down in the backseat and then cries that he wants more - he said because two year olds are unreasonable. I asked him if I should potty train Lucas over a 3 day period (like I've heard that some people have done) and he told me no way. He said that I didn't teach him to walk in one weekend and that potty training is no different. He said just to give him the opportunity and encourage him and that it would happen eventually.

Lucas enjoyed the exam. He plopped right down on the table and giggled as the doctor listened to his heartbeat and looked in his ears. When the nurse pricked his finger to check his iron his little lip trembled, but he held back the tears and then was distracted by the band-aid.

We're not scheduled to go for another check-up until he's three.

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