Sunday, June 01, 2008

Sandy and Susan Visit

Jeff's mom and aunt just visited us for a long weekend. I am always sad to see Sandy leave, but this time especially so because Lucas enjoyed her so much. He also was very comfortable around Susan, even though he hadn't seen her since he was 6wks old. When we walked into the family room he looked at the couch and said, "SaSa, hmmm? Susan, hmmm" as he held both hands in the air.
Jeff and I also loved having them here. For one, they are super helpful. We were able to get so much done this wknd because they were around to help out with Lucas. In addition to the extra help, they practically kicked us out of the house for a couple of hours a day so that they could have some alone time with the kid. We went shopping, to see a movie, and to run some other errands. It's amazing how much fun we had during these short little outings.
When we weren't planting flowers or cooking new recipes, we went to the art musuem and the Raleigh Rose Garden...
Aunt Susan and Lucas

Lucas with his mama, Aunt Susan and SaSa

Everyone busy planting flowers...

1 comment:

Meg Boyd said...

It is so awesome that Lucas is enjoying guests it makes it so much more fun!